Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A New Year, A New Blog Format

Welcome to 2009! Hard to believe February is almost gone. I did not do a good job at keeping up with my blog last year or email newsletters. It's easy to let things get away from you if you get out of the habit of doing them. I have been evaluating things and coming up with a plan to be better organized this year.

I have also been evaluating my goals for my art, and will be starting a couple new series of paintings this year. Along with a new direction in my art, I decided I needed an updated website and blog. My wife is working on a website redesign of, and has just finished updating this blog, now titled "Working Through Art".

I decided to call it "Working Through Art" for two reasons. 1. My occupation is an artist. 2. I don't have this artist life figured out yet, and I will share some of my experiences with you through my blog. I hope writing about my experiences helps me work through some things and gives you some insight into what it is like to be an artist. I also hope to encourage other artists who might be going through some of the same issues.

I value your comments and welcome your questions. Please feel free to leave a comment, send me an email, or give me a call (studio - 704.596.1286). I'll do my best to get back to you in a timely manner.

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